Friday, May 13

Thursday 12th May
Looked out the windows of our 'castle' this morning - some 'wabbits' feasting on the lawn and we could see the Solway of Firth - an inlet of sandy looking water. Passed through Dumfries where the Stewart Seniors once lived - very old stone houses and we tried to imagine where they may have lived, walked etc. This is Robbie Burns territory and saw a signpost to the museum. Driving through Ayrshire District on the way to Ayr (significant to the Norton girls as we were raised in the Ayrshire District in Rhodesia). Coal mining in the area, but no longer the stuff of 'underground' just opencast where the side of the mountains are dug, then later re-aforested.
We had a wonderful welcome from Tom and Betty Barry (c0usins of Mum H). Glenn had seen them in the 1995/6 and they remembered him. Also fond memories of Moira and Bill Picken!!Chatter was endless and when it was time to go, we are glad we made the effort. Fabulous tea put on for us and Rich got to speak to Maureen their daughter and also Aunt Bette another elderly rellie! I am sure it made her day, as she has not been very well. We took the back roads to Livingston where we will be 'stationed' for our time in Edinburgh. Rain on and off the whole way and biting cold (Scotland here we come). We arrived about 3pm after having taken a couple more roundabouts than necessary and we are still married - not in the divorce courts yet!! Just off to have a sherry in the bar and some supper, so an early night as we are heading to Edinburgh tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i see a distinct theme creeping in here - a sherry here, a drink in the bar there: you must be enjoying the english pubs - glenn