Friday, April 15

Monday 11th April

Climbed aboard the bus outside the hotel and picked up the rest of the load of people. Travelled down to Napoli via cassino, the mountains were covered in snow which was pretty. Arrived in Napoli and picked up another tour guide who showed us various places of interest in the city - apparently it is the 3rd biggest city in Italy - very dirty and a lot of crime we are told. There must have been a garbage strike as piles of rotting garbage everywhere - not pleasant. Saw plenty of 'non reflectors' selling anything and everything on the street - could have been back in Africa!! Italy has an enormous problem with refugees fleeing from over the water. After Napoli we went to have a look at Pompei and on the way were shown a cameo factory, and needless to say offered purchases. Fascinating as I did not know cameo were made from a certain type of seashell. The old fellow doing the work had been there forever, I am sure. We went and had lunch - whow what a lunch, before touring the site ofPompei. I am sure you all know that Pompei was covered in lava when Mount Vesuvius erupted way back in 79 AD, and in more recent times excavations continue to unearth the town, plus bodies and animals which remain in a 'frozen 'state.


Denise said...

Glad to see you haven't got lost yet & discovering which buttons to press....!? I think the age of everything in Europe must be awsome, something we certainly not used to in Africa.Have fun!

CGDK said...

looks like all going well take care interesting reading..

CDGK said...

were freezing our tits off in the blus mountains head to sydvegas tomorrow

WH said...

Re CDGK and the tits problem!!....its been 7deg in Mt Isa for past 3 days, how your's ???

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the blog have printed it out and posted it to Jean Deas, at Airdie.We are off in the caravan on Tuseday, to the West of Scotland.
Cheers, Margaret&Dave Blairgowrie, Scotland.

Margie said...

Enjoying the blog. Also freezing and wet in Benoni...getting cabin fever!!! Will continue watching your progress in WR.